
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Mother's Helper

Oh, the joys of knowing a 13-year-old who will come and play with Lazy Kid for money while I get massive amounts of work done. In two four-hour bursts, I have:

- designed a new product for etsy (all that's missing are decent photos and a good name)
- made half a dozen of said new product
- finished up and published a pattern that's been sitting on my desk for months, just waiting to be proofread and listed
- listed and relisted almost a dozen items
- got together another submission of my Awesome Underappreciated Quilt Design, which goes out in tomorrow's mail.
- possibly spent a little too much of my "work" time on Ravelry, looking for "inspiration." Yeah, that's it! Inspiration!

Here's hoping she can come back next week so I can get these new dealios listed on etsy and write up a couple of extra patterns and edit some photos I might try to sell online and ... oh, crap, guess I'm going to need more than one day, huh?

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