
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Things I need to be doing instead of napping

If I have to pick up the arcs for my double wedding ring destash project one more time, I'm going to kill the two-year-old. You wouldn't believe the distance she can get on these suckers ...
Oh, and here's the official "thank you" to both adult Wendlings and LazyHusband, who all helped me finish turning and pressing the arcs this weekend over a game of Munchkin. You guys rock (especially the guys, who owe me for not posting the incriminating photo I took of them Crafting - oh, the horror!).

1 comment:

  1. I have a 5 year old (also a 10 yeare old), and you have a lot more years to go before the little one stops getting into things! I'm still going through it with my 5 year old, so I feel your pain! What a sweet husband that he would help you with your quilting! : )
