After a lapse of, well, way too long, I'm back in the pattern-writing saddle again! First up: Reincarnation Socks, the socks with a (replaceable) sole!
I got sick of having to throw out my handknit socks when I wore holes under the balls of my feet - it just didn't make sense to try to repair something that badly damaged. But with this new construction technique, I can easily replace the toes, soles, and heels of any socks, with any yarn. Sweet!
Plus, the pattern is in worsted weight wool on size 5 needles, so it goes zippy-quick. And the Liberty Wool I used for the sample pair looks sooo cool when this technique is used - definitely an eye-catcher!
If you're interested in purchasing a pattern, you have three choices:
- visit River Colors Studio, either online or in person, and pick up a copy there.
- order one from my etsy shop.
- in a hurry? Download one NOW from my Ravelry page.
As always, I am available for moral and technical support while you're working on your project. Just contact me through the blog, etsy, or Ravelry and let me know what's on your mind!