Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanks for the mention!
Apparently Clare Marie likes my red hat - I do, too! Thanks for the mention on your blog! And Lazy Mama readers, do check out her etsy shop for some cool industrial-looking wearable art:
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Upcoming show appearance
That's right, it's my first official craft show under the Lazy Mama name. I'll have a selection of my patterns, of course, as well as pretty much everything that's still available in my etsy shop as of that day. That will include baby gifts, toddler mittens, art quilts, and whatever else I finish this week :)
This craft show is part of the big winter festival/open house/craft extravaganza in North Ridgeville, so there will be plenty to do in addition to buying lots of Lazy goodness! So stop on by, if you're anywhere nearby, and get a jump on all of your holiday festivities.
First Congregational Church
36363 Center Ridge Road (just west of Rt. 83)
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Dec. 1 - 9am to 4pm
Friday, November 16, 2007
Me? Famous?
Please note that these are still available in my shop, because nobody's bought them yet. All this great publicity, and not a sausage worth of business so far. Maybe AFTER Thanksgiving ...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I'm on the front page!
Hee hee! My plan for world domination is coming together nicely, Pinky.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Look who got in a Storque treasury!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Pattern testing
Despite using completely the wrong fabrics, refusing to use pins, completely forgetting to attach Mr. Gnome's unibrow before sewing on the backing, and having to go back and hand-stitch some of the seams I screwed up, they turned out looking pretty spiffy:
Moral of the story: If I can make these suckers look cute at midnight with stash fabrics and a grudge against using pins, ANYONE can make them look cute. Now, go forth and purchase gnome patterns (when she has them available in her shop, which should be soon)!
***Edited to add: link to the shop where the gnomes are now available
Thursday, November 01, 2007
When I start to work on it and things that should be easy are going horribly wrong, it's a bad sign.
When I have to bribe my daughter with candy to get her to try on the finished outfit, it's a really bad sign (note M&Ms clutched in hand and mouth in photo below).
And when I realize that the outfit not only makes my daughter look like a demented clown, but is also waaaaaay too small on top, it's pretty much par for the course.
This, this is why I don't do garments. Setting in the sleeves, which is pretty much a nightmare on a size 3 toddler shirt, was a piece of cake. Making four buttonholes, which I do by rote every time I make a SWAK blanket for my etsy shop, was a complete clusterf.... um, disaster. The shirt is too short and too tight, the sleeves are too short, and the buttonholes may be the ugliest on the planet. Good thing she hates it, because I'm not thrilled about the idea of her appearing in this in public.
The pants, on the other hand, are pretty cute. All she needs is a hot pink shirt, and she's stylin.